Shop 9:00 am til 5:30 pm today Closed

westpoint growers
Westpoint Growers
Shop: Level 1, Shop K1.01-K1.03

Being a family run business, we take great pride in the presentation and quality of produce in our store.  We believe if it looks good to the eye, then its worth a try to taste.  We are always looking at new fresh produce that we can introduce into the store, many of our customers like to try new things and we like to be able to offer a range of produce, even produce that a lot of our customers have never heard of like “Spanish Rockmelon”, “Kanzi Apple” and “Malahia”.  We also include a large continental grocery section that appeals to our European customer base.  We are always listening to what our customers want to see in our store and we do our best to source it for them.

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